

We Keep Making It Easier to Help You!

New Support Tab
New Support Tab

In a recent article we reviewed the many different ways our dealer clients are able to contact us for support. Whether you have a simple question about one of our industry leading services like Web-2-Show or Lead-to-Show, how to use our Mobile App for redeeming incentives or to simply let us know that we are (or not) meeting your expectations, we make it easy to contact us.

Continuing with our approach to pro-active support, we have made a small but welcomed addition to our support tab in your dealers Admin. When you log in, you may not notice the new addition right away UNTIL you click on the "Support" tab or link located right on the first screen of your admin.

As you can see in the screen shot, after clicking on the Support link to tab, you are presented with several options on how WE CAN HELP YOU.

Need Help?
Need Help?

Need Answers? Maybe you have a late delivery and are caught at the dealership late but have a question about a customers incentive - click on Frequently Asked Questions. It's quite possible the answer will be found in our FAQ.

Continued Training? Check out our Library of training videos and Webinars

Card Status? Customer calls in for one reason or another and you offer to check the status of their gift card. Here's a quick link to www.mygiftcardstatus.com

Chat Chat Chat? Hopefully you hadn't overlooked our ActivEngage chat / social bar located at the bottom of your admin screen. If for some reason you did, we have you covered with a quick link to open up a chat session.

Email anyone? With all the tools of communication, email still gets the job done. And our support team is quite quick to respond to your support emails.

Who uses the Phone (to make calls)? Let's face it - there's nothing like hearing a live support reps eager voice to help. If you don't already have our phone number in your address book, well…here it is for quick reference. Give us a call.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you're not already using our products to increase your lead to show rate, then give our sales team at call at 855-LEAD-2-SHOW  - (855-532-3274)