

Showrooming Becomes An Automotive Marketing Opportunity


*This article was written by Brian Pasch and was originally published on LinkedIn.

Mobile showrooming has become a part of the consumer shopping processes. Consumers can walk into any retail store and quickly compare prices and offers on their smartphone from online merchants and/or competing local stores. So, it should come as no surprise to automotive retailers that showrooming is occurring on the dealership's lot, service lanes, and showroom floor.

"If consumers check TV prices inside Best Buy for a $800 model they will be checking prices on vehicles that cost $40,000 - $50,000!" - David Metter

According to a 2014 Cars.com research report

"Mobile is a game changer, as shoppers actively seek out content on the lot. Fifty-one percent of auto shoppers used a mobile device to seek information related to price, payments and offers, while 29% checked inventory and 17% read vehicle or dealer reviews." - Mobile Device Use At The Dealership

My Interview With David Metter

I recently had the opportunity to interview David Metter, President of HookLogic, to discuss their new Mobile2Show product which enhances their current suite of solutions for the auto industry; Lead2ShowWeb2Show, and TradeHook.

HookLogic has created a powerful set of tools to using mobile showrooming as anopportunity to conquest local auto dealers. Using geo-fencing technology, HookLogic can present offers directly on the mobile device of a shopper that is visiting a competing dealership. These offers are designed to encourage the consumer to leave the competing dealership and drive over to their place of business.

HookLogic's recent integration of mobile wallet technologies allows dealers to present offers and reminders to consumers when they are near the dealership as well.

Watch The Interview

Take a minute to understand the many opportunities that dealers have to enhance their mobile marketing strategy with Mobile2Show.

A Surprise Benefit of Gift Cards

As you watch the interview you will learn a very important fact regarding the HookLogic marketing strategy; their data capture quality is the highest in the industry. David stated that their company has a 99% match rate on consumer data as compared to less than 60% for normal lead forms!

With accurate data, HookLogic can show dealers if a consumer purchased a car from their dealership, a competing local franchise dealer, or a competing brand.

When consumers will out a gift card form, they provide accurate personal information to have the card delivered to their home.

Since the company has very accurate data, they have the ability to create customized and relevant offers to consumers via direct mail and email (Lead2Show), as well a dynamic offers on a dealership's website (Web2Show).

Their partnership with IHS/Polk can enhance existing leads in a dealership's CRM and third party leads which the dealer purchases. This results in very targeted offers to consumers who are in-market shopping for a vehicle.

On average, 32% of all consumer who complete a HookLogic offer will come to the dealership and 60% will purchase.

Dealers who want to increase consumer showroom visits are advised to watch the interview and then contact HookLogic to get started with a comprehensive strategy to increase showroom visits from your website, CRM, and mobile marketing opportunities.

Hear David at DMSC 2015

David Metter will be conducting a workshop at the 2015 Digital Marketing Strategies Conference (DMSC) on April 12th. His workshop is entitled "How Showrooming is Changing the Way Dealers Sell Cars." Progress automotive managers are invited to attend the conference which is being held in the Napa Valley, April 12-14th.